Monday, February 19, 2007

8 months later.....

Well, it has been a long time since I wrote anything on here. Life has been ticking along nicely. Nothing major has happened but things are good overall.

So, update on the trilogy:

  • Work: work is going well! Gee I haven't felt that way about a job for a while. I passed probation (6 long months), got my payrise and am settled in and enjoying it the vast majority of the time. The payrise is almost enough for the repayments on my debt consolidation. Its nice to watch the debt reducing for a change though!

  • Home: I am renting at the moment. A three bedroom house with a huge yard for the dogs. Living on my own again which is 90% great and 10% lonely. Ideally I want to move closer to my work - the hour each way is a lot to add to a day at work but aside from that I am quite happy where I am.

  • Love: not much to talk about really. Not even real sure what I am after. Taking it easy and seeing what comes along. Still looking without being sure what I am looking for!

Aside from that I am recovering from sinus surgery (ouch!) which I am hoping will mean I breathe and sleep better, get sick less and be able to excersize more.

One of my New Years resolutions was to cut some dead wood out of my life. I find it hard to get rid of people who are not good for me but I am working on it.On the flipside I am counting my blessings for the close friends I do have. They certainly make the hurt caused by the others far easier to ignore.

It has been ridiculously hot for a few days (almost 40 degrees) so lots of lounging around watching Scrubs and talking online.

Will write more soon. Before 8 months this time!