The naughtiness is part of his, really

Oh no he didn't. Oh yes, he did. This sweet little 'picture of innocence' busted out of the garden last week and got INSIDE my neighbour's house.
She leaves a door open for the cat (don't ask) and Lister knows this. He tunneled out of my garden, ducked through her broken fence and trotted inside her house.
Once inside he consumed the following: One large packet of jellybeans, one packed of gourmet Italian style biscuits and a stack of dry cat food. He also brought back a plastic container full of museli bars but was unable to open it. It was sitting in the middle of the backyard. Evidence!
When I got home, the evil (but lovable) one himself was sitting on the back step, leaning against the door with his eyes half closed and his belly bloated and round looking.
Sympathy for his nausea was in short supply.
It wouldn't be AS bad if this was the first time. He has trespassed before. He made it all the way into the neighbour's bedroom where she awoke to a disturbingly loud snuffling sound. Lister's leering countenance was not what she expected (or desired) to see at the end of her bed. She got kisses that smelled suspiciously like the food she left out for the cat.
I'm still smirking as I type this. I KNOW it's bad. I KNOW I shouldn't find it funny. Or endearing. He is adorably disobedient and he can't HELP sniffing out trouble. It's what he does. It's pretty much ALL he does.
He is a well intentioned, affectionate, cheeky (ok, naughty) bundle of excitement and happiness. I wouldn't have him any other way.
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