Happy Biiiiiiiirthday dear Bl-og!
Wow. I have been writing this Blog for a year now. 12 months of ranting, sooking, celebrating, confessing and documenting.
The trials and tribulations that shape the life of Mel. Hopefully this year will bring more tribulations and less trials but we have 49 more weeks of posts to find out.
Things seem to be off to a better start. New job. Selling old house. Feeling happier in general.
Every now and then I re-read this blog to ascertain just how much I have humiliated myself on here. Not too much I guess. Although, not many people tune in too often so I can say pretty much whatever I want!
I am proud of myself for never deleting a post. No matter how my feelings may have changed or how petty something has looked days later, nothing has been edited out.
Some things never change. It's 3am and I am awake. I must get up by about 10am to get ready for my appointment.
Hmmm something just fell of the bed and crashed on the floor. Sounded breakey. Better check it out. It was probably just my dignity. Or sanity. Nothing too important then!
In time honoured tradition, I am bringing this incoherent stream of babble to a close without ever reaching a point.
Happy Birthday, Blog!