Sunday, June 19, 2005

3 Days Off

Well, I toughed it through my last few shifts for the week. Despite fever, asthma and coughing up stuff that would scare a Ghostbuster, I managed to stay at work. I even sold some stuff too, between sniffling and complaining that 'I'm dying. No, seriously I am'.
I didn't make it to the party on Saturday night. Instead I went to the supermarket and splurged on actual food for the fridge then came home and crashed on the couch. Today I slept allllll day. I must have really needed it. I had nightmares all night and all day. I even woke up talking out loud!

This evening I tidied my house a little and chatted on the phone a lot. I really need to do some packing for the next two days. Pity I don't have any boxes. The goal is to get the two spare rooms done. At least moving all the stuff I don't use everyday will get half the house moved!

My car window was finally fixed on Friday. Plus I wheedled myself a $100 refund. Quite proud actually. Window goes up, window goes down!

Now I am annoyingly awake. Not enough energy to do much but too much for sleeping. I feel so vague too. I have to watch it because people have thought I am annoyed with them or something when it has literally been just my headache and difficulty breathing. I haven't meant to come across unhappy but it has been tough going to work in pain and unable to breathe without coughing and spluttering.

Well, time to go pay my frighteningly large phone bills.... before I get cut off... again.


At 10:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just been catching up on your latest entries Mel.

Excellent news that you managed to pay of your share of the house. Wow it must feel so good to have paid him out, good on ya.

Sounds like you've had a lot of expense lately, bills bills bills, hate em, heheh !


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