A girls best friend
I have been learning about diamonds (oooooh shiny) and gold this week. I have tried to spend as little time as possible in the shop drooling on the cabinets.
My staff are... Interesting. I will leave it at that for now. My boss, I haven't even seen since I started. Not that I am complaining.
Tonight I went out for dinner with K, N and C. It was good fun. N and I went to High School together so we remember each others most humiliating moments. Things that were horrifying then are hilarious now.
We were giggling over our teenage 'I am SO not talking to you' arguments. We would crack the shits with each other, move our desks a foot apart and proceed to make it as obvious as possible that we did NOT intend to back down and talk. Usually about 5 mins would pass before N would forget and start babbling away to me. I would throw in the mature 'thought you weren't talking to me' and she would reply 'i'm not' and stick her nose in the air. 2 mins would pass before she's go 'So, anyway' and continue her story. Needless to say our 'fights' didn't last long.
C, N and I sat in my car singing Ring Ring Ring (hey, how u doing? sorry you cant get thru) while poor K trotted off to night shift.
My throat hurts from squealing and my stomach aches from laughing. Good times.
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