Sunday, June 05, 2005

Stay at home!!!

I hate it when staff come into work sick. I would rather replace them, or work short staffed than be exposed to their diseases.
Last week two inconsiderate staff came to work sick. They made everyone else (including a staff member who is 6 months pregnant) ill. It has cost me $50 in medicine, $45 in doctor visits and a days sick pay so far. Not to mention the unpleasantness of being sick.

I slept all Saturday then briefly spent some time with KJ being a 'client' for her to assess on video for her uni course. I was very proud of us. We only dissolved into giggles about 4 times.

Today was back to work. Luckily it was a short day because I developed a monster headache about half way through. Of course, that could have had more to do with O winding up A all day just for the reaction, but either way I was glad when the day was over.

It was also 'bring your brat' day in the centre. Every second customer was sporting a sticky, whiney, grabby little shitbag of a child. *Shudder*

I only have to survive tomorrow then I have another RDO. Hopefully I will be well enough to actually enjoy it. I don't mind sleeping my rdo's away by CHOICE but when it's in an antihistamine induced coma I am less than thrilled.

On a brighter note, I have PAID OFF my ex. The house is officially MINE, until I sell it. All was amicable and painless as possible.

I treated myself to Frasier series 2 on dvd to while away the sick hours this weekend and have been giggling myself to sleep. I love Niles. Such an entertaining mixture of niavety and superiority. Great show.

Well, time to gobble down more sudafed and wade through the strange fever-induced dreams that are coming my way....


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