Thursday, April 14, 2005

Stupid Boys

Do boys get together and decide to all piss you off at the same time? Or does it just come naturally?

They say girls mature faster than boys. That's no excuse for guys in their mid twenties (or older) to behave like teenagers. Pettiness, showmanship, insensitivity, macho bullshit, broken promises and infuriating conversations. Will they ever grow out of it? I can see some of the appeal of lesbianism (that's the other thing - why do they love to watch two chicks?) sometimes.

Is it too much to ask to have an adult conversation where things that are promised are actually carried out? Where they don't just tell you what you want to hear when the want a) sex b) something done for them or c) peace.

Speaking of behaving like you are a teenager, that highschool saying is looking more and more accurate everyday. 'Men are like toilets. Either occupied or full of shit'.

I hope it's not true. Any guy who feels they do not fall into this category please leave a comment. Especially if you have any insight into how to interpret the primitive behavior so often exhibited by members of your species.

To the rest of you sorry lot - one day I will write a cheat sheet of unacceptable behaviour I have encountered and what to do if you EVER want to have a functional friendship/relationship with a girl but right now I don't have a spare 5 hours or the patience.

One quick tip. Remember - girls have feelings beyond 'lets get pissed', 'I am angry coz my team lost' and 'lets make myself feel good by showing off in front of my mates'. Try and respect that


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