Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Its all about ME

Since I know you are all DYING to know all about me, here are a few little details for you to treasure:

Five Fave TV Shows Ever

  1. Red Dwarf
  2. Black Books
  3. Family Guy
  4. Sex and the City
  5. Futurama

Five Things I Want To Do before the year is out

  1. Go oversees - Greece is the goal, Bali is probably within budget
  2. Buy LOTS o shoes
  3. Get fit - hey stop laughing, i meant that dammit
  4. Tidy my spare room - I said STOP laughing
  5. Learn a dance... eg.. belly dancing

Five People I Would Like to Have Dinner With

  1. Douglas Adams - before he died.. not now obviously
  2. Johnny Depp - altho I would need a bib
  3. Princess Mary - for advice on how to marry into royalty
  4. Marian Keyes
  5. Richard Branson

Five Places I Would Like to Visit

  1. Greece - culture, food, history, beaches
  2. Antartica - i think it would be really different and something worth seeing
  3. The Moon - just to look back at the Earth
  4. Egypt - the pyramids would be an amazing site
  5. Kakadu - coz I'll never never know, if I never never go

Five Favourite Desserts

  1. Toblerone Cocktail. Chocolate and Alcohol - what more could I ask?
  2. Mars Bar Cake - it nearly always defeats me though
  3. Baklava - celebrating my inner woginess
  4. Lemon Merangue <--- shut up, I know its spelled wrong
  5. Pavlova - go aussie

Well, there you go. Riveting stuff hey? Anything you would like me to further enlighten you on please leave as a comment. I am sure there is plenty more you are just dyyyyyyying to know.


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