Saturday, February 19, 2005

Jason Vs Johnny

I now have a locker at work. The metal kind with a combination lock. It takes me right back to the days of year eight with my Jason Priestly poster and the mountain of mess propped against the door, just waiting to avalanche all over me each Monday morning.
There was an art to opening my locker. You had to unlock it while leaning against the door. Then whip the door open in one fluid movement and either brace your arms to catch the books, papers and rotting pieces of fruit that came tumbling out or jump back and let the inevitable happen.
Hanging at the lockers was the high school equivalent to the work water cooler scenario. It was your chance to gossip about the weekend, bitch about your day and generally procrastinate about getting to class or going to the library.
At work ours are in the tearoom. I got screwed, mines on the second to bottom row. I have to sit on the floor to undo it. Usually the arriving shift of people mill around and chat to those on breaks, swear and stomp around when their combination doesn’t work and drag their feet in regards to starting their shift. All of this is accompanied by the shrilling of several mobile phones stowed in lockers as we are not meant to carry them around with us.
Most lockers have smart arse comments written on the name labels or photos or posters or stickers. Some people write ‘complaints to the neighbours’ and stick them on the locker next to them or booby trap unlocked ones with gaffer tape, personal alarms or someone else’s lock.
So, in other words nothing much has changed in the last thirteen years in regards to locker use. Although, I am tipping good ole Brandon doesn’t grace many lockers nowadays.
Mine is still a mess; still have a stash of junk food and trashy magazines. Would still be losing the key if it were a padlocked one too. Must find some photos to jazz it up. Most likely will be of the pets.. or Johnny Depp… some guys never go out of fashion.


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