Monday, September 26, 2005

Come Dance with Russ

"I am obviously a complicated, messy, psychologically damaged weirdo and... It's an unfortunate thing that people don't simply understand that and leave me to my padded cell."

Yes. Yes, you are Russell Crowe. If you only would confine your childish temper tantrums and Oscar Winning arrogance to a padded cell, I would gladly leave you there (and throw away the key).

In regards to the phone throwing incident, Mr Contrite had the following pearl of wisdom to offer:
"It was a stupid thing to do but one doesn't dance alone,"

That's right Russ, one involves innocent bystanders and hurls telecommunication devices at them for not immediately bowing to the will of '30 odd foot of Grunts'. More like 6 odd foot of asshole.


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