It's Here
Moving day is tomorrow. I feel better about it than I did yesterday. Still nervous as to how I will feel once it is all done. Am also dreading getting the house on the market. It seems like there is way too much work to be done before that can happen.
I could be offline for a little while as the net has to be disconnected here and reconnected at the other end. I will try and check in soon and write about how it all went. Document the trauma for your entertainment!
So far all that has been broken is one vase and one lamp. Not a bad effort really. The big stuff gets moved tomorrow so hopefully I am not speaking too soon.
I also get to move the pets tomorrow. A gargantuan task. The menagerie on the move. I hope they cope ok.
This entry is pretty dull hey? Well, too bad. I am sleepy! Off to sleep for the last time in my little house....
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