Thursday, April 28, 2005

Compassion Free Zone

I am coming to the disappointing conclusion that people just don't want you to care. They don't want 'nice' or 'supportive'. They want what they have come to expect from others whether it's sarcasm or indifference.

Maybe they only want what they themselves would be prepared to give, which seems to be nothing. People treat you with suspicion or like a freak if you show you genuinely care and don't want to walk away if they are in a shit mood or feeling down.

Since when does caring for people you consider to be your friends mean you deserve to be treated like a stalker? People aim for the superficial.

Are they (like I am sometimes) scared to open up and make real friends in case they are once again crushed with disappointment and hurt when you get let down or rejected? Is it laziness? Is it uncool to care?

It seems sad. People are setting themselves up for loneliness. There are a lot of assholes out there who will slice through you with gutting remarks or a breathtaking lack of compassion or trustworthiness. Are we now at the point where we have to assume everyone is building is up just to take us apart piece by piece for entertainment?

Is everyone out there motivated by spite, envy and malice? Is it better to just accept that 'people suck' and not put yourself out there to be shot down?

Is hoping for genuine friendship too much to expect anymore?


At 8:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just reading some of your blog.

I totally understand and relate to what your going through. Hope we can chat soon.


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