Yay Shoes!
I bought three pairs of shoes today. Not coz I needed them, purely coz I WANTED them. I was in a 'I want to buy shoes mood'. Actually mood probably doesn't do it justice, it's more like... I wasn't in one of those rare moods when I DIDN'T want to buy shoes. These moods coincide with shops not having anything I like or hell freezing over.
The rest of the time I have a shoe fetish. Not that there's anything wrong with that. K and I were at the shops, originally to dine at one of our favourite restaurants in the hopes the cute [but I still say 'older than he looks'] waiter was there. He wasn't. There was less drooling than normal at our table.
On our way to said eating/perving establishment this ENORMOUS INVISIBLE VORTEX sucked us into the first shoe shop between K's car and the house of fine nosh and potential eye candy.
I swear to God, we were powerless in it's wake. On top of that freak occurrence there just happened to be one of those bittersweet sales that entitles you to choose a second pair at half price. K had trouble picking one pair. I had trouble narrowing it down to three choices.
I ended up with one metallic pink and one metallic green pair of flat sandals with a jeweled dragonfly across the strap. YES I bought the same shoe in two different colours. Did I mention I have a fondness for shoes?
I also bought a glam pair of sassy silver strappy heels. I am almost at six foot in those. A unique perspective for a short-arse like myself. These shoes can only be described as CFM's. No more needs to be said about that really.
As we browsed and tried on I implored K 'don't let me buy open toe shoes'. I left with three pairs, K left with one. She is the perfect shopping companion. Open to my delusions of restraint but totally amenable to my legendary 'justifications'. And she gets a gold star for buying something too so we can bitch about our credit cards and ogle our shiny new shoes together, as God intended.
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